Self-Stabilized Floating Wind Turbine Animation AquaViz was asked to produce a sixty-second animation for the advance self-stabilized floating turbine concept design. The challenge was involved to show the underwater stabilizer structure as well as massive above water...
40M Yacht Concept Animation This luxury Yacht animation is the symbol of relaxing and inspirational environment. The owner asked for a luxury exterior presentation as well as a relaxing and inspirational environment to captivate the audience. The work-scope includes...
Transport Catamaran Concept Animation The 35M Transport catamaran was a winner of design competition for inland passenger transportation arranged by BIWTA. Aquaviz works directly with the design team to produce a 45 second animation. Multiple environment and material...
LPG Pusher-Barge Animation This Inland Pusher-Barge animation was done for Ankerbeer b.v. Aquaviz prepared both the modern Pusher and LPG barge animation and shows a synchronization of both the part The project involves 3d modeling of the pusher and barge with medium...
Floating Restaurant Concept Animation A Floating Restaurant is a dining establishment that is built on water and typically floats, allowing patrons to enjoy a meal while experiencing the surrounding waterfront views. This concept restaurant animation was designed for...